Hello everyone,
I would like to personally thank everyone that supported our latest project, unfortunately, we have bad news. It is with great regret that we must cancel the Adaptalux Glow Kickstarter campaign later today.
As you would expect, we had really high hopes for the Adaptalux Glow and we anticipated it to do much better than its current performance to date. Unfortunately, it would be too big of a risk to push the project forward with the minimum funds required. It would not only be a big risk to us and our current product line, but most importantly to our backers. It would be irresponsible of us to push this project forward and risk not being able to fulfil awards at a later date. We have made the very difficult decision to cancel the project early to keep our backer’s best interests at heart.
My team and I have put a lot into this project and its disappointing for us to see it not doing as well as we had hoped. We feel we need to make the decision to focus on the studio, our existing supporters and customers.
We may re-visit the Glow in the future, we will learn from the feedback and results of this experience and use it to improve our future endeavours. We’re big believers in every lesson is a good lesson, and we can take more wisdom away from this experience to help improve our current product line-up.
We believe its fundamental to look after our existing customers and supporters, which many of you already are. You are our backbone, and making this decision allows us to focus on you and our current product range. We have got new and exciting products lined up for the Studio and we feel that focusing on the roots of the Adaptalux system is the way forward.
I would like to thank you all again for your support during this campaign and we did really hope this would have lived up to our expectations, so you could have experienced the Glow. Disappointments are all part of the journey towards success, and I firmly believe that by making this decision we can continue to flourish and positively build upon your Adaptalux experience in the future.
We will be here to answer any questions that you may have as always.
Thank you all once again,
Sam + the team.
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- 2023 – Sam’s Yearly Adaptalux Round-up - 22nd December 2023
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