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Adaptalux Control Pod 3.0
The Heart of the Adaptalux Studio System
Built-in rechargeable battery power. 5 Lighting Arm ports with individual manual and Bluetooth brightness control.
Min: 1
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10th Anniversary Limited Edition
Built-in rechargeable battery power. 5 Lighting Arm ports with individual manual and Bluetooth brightness control. Only 75 made.
Max: 11
Min: 1
Step: 1
Only 11 left!
Adaptalux pod mini black
Ultra transportable and robust miniature Pod
Built-in rechargeable battery power. Single Lighting Arm port with quick and easy manual brightness control.
Max: 3
Min: 1
Step: 1
Only 3 left!
Raynox DCR-250 Macro Lens
High Magnification Macro Conversion Lens
Attach this universal lens to your normal camera lens to transform it into a high quality macro lens in seconds.
Max: 8
Min: 1
Step: 1
Adaptalux Macro Diffuser
30% Diffusion
The softest diffuser. Softens shadows without removing too much light.
Max: 245
Min: 1
Step: 1
White LED light source for macro photography
Versatile white light
A highly adaptable white light source with a wide beam angle. Use with colour filters for softer coloured effects.
Max: 43
Min: 1
Step: 1
Orange LED light source for macro photography
Firey orange light
Add warm highlights and coloured effects to your images.
Max: 42
Min: 1
Step: 1
Blue LED light source for macro photography
Vivid blue light
Add deep blue tones to your images. Perfect for abstract or sci-fi scenes.
Max: 15
Min: 1
Step: 1
Adaptalux Macro Diffuser
50% Diffusion
Diffusion for medium-high brightness. Softens harsh shadows. Recommended for use with Pod 2.0 "boost mode".
Max: 367
Min: 1
Step: 1
Green LED light source for macro photography
Rich green light
Add bright greens to your images, use with a diffuser for natural shades.
Min: 1
Step: 1

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Red LED light source for macro photography
Powerful red light
Add red colour into your photos. Effective for adding drama to scenes or adding coloured highlights.
Max: 40
Min: 1
Step: 1
Adaptalux Macro Diffuser
70% Diffusion
Maximum diffusion. Reduces very harsh shadows, recommended for Arm-S Lighting Arms.
Min: 1
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White LED light source for macro photography
Extra bright white light
Powerful and focused white light with a TIR lens and narrow beam angle.
Max: 20
Min: 1
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pure UV light source for macro photography
Pure Ultraviolet
A 365nm UV light source for UVIVF photography via long exposure.
Min: 1
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Camera hot shoe mount back view
Mount your Control Pod to your Camera
Full metal design with tilt and swivel control and locking wheels for a secure fit to any camera.
Max: 8
Min: 1
Step: 1
macro flash diffusion attachment
Wide diffusion for Flash Lighting Arms
Add extra diffusion and illuminate a wide area. Can be used in addition to gels.
Max: 69
Min: 1
Step: 1
magnetic diffusion for Flash Lighting Arms
Directional diffusion for Flash Lighting Arms
Diffuse light in a single direction, with no sideways spill. Can be used in addition to gels.
Max: 70
Min: 1
Step: 1
Honeycomb attachment for flash
Directional control for Flash Lighting Arms
Prevent unwanted light spill from the sides of your flash. Can be used in addition to gels.
Max: 159
Min: 1
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Adjustable tabletop support.
Added stability and placement options for off-camera Adaptalux Lighting setups and other accessories. Includes removable ball-head attachment.
Max: 27
Min: 1
Step: 1
xenon flash lighting arm
A fast flash of powerful white light
Ideal for freezing fast-moving subjects. Includes a set of 10 gels for diffusion and colour.
Min: 1
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Trigger Flash Lighting Arms.
Connects to the hotshoe of any camera and can optionally mount the Control Pod.
Min: 1
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Adaptalux Baseball cap iso view
Use your Adaptalux Studio in style.
Max: 29
Min: 1
Step: 1
Apexel 100mm clip-on lens for handy smartphone phone macro photography.
Also known as the Apexel Professional phone macro lens.
Max: 18
Min: 1
Step: 1
Original price was: $31.58.Current price is: $23.68.
12 Unique gradients to introduce extra colour into the background of your macro shots. New and improved matte finish.
Series II - All new colours available in A5 and A4 sizes!
Min: 1
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Macro Subject Holder
Secure your subjects and background cards in position
A dynamic macro subject holder with 4 fully flexible and sturdy arms.
Max: 47
Min: 1
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Blue colour filter for photography
A cool blue hue
Enhance the colours of water or add a cold vibe to your images.
Min: 1
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Cool white light (6500K)
A cooler white light to match or contrast with other light sources and provide a hint of cold in your images.
Max: 26
Min: 1
Step: 1
Cyan colour filter for photography
A chilled cyan hue
A subtle way to cool off the colours in your photos. Makes blues pop and whites seem colder.
Min: 1
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A range of diffusion strengths for LED Lighting Arms
A set of 3 diffusers to spread light and soften shadows
Min: 1
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Yellow Pink Purple
A set of 3 filters to add a variety of subtle, diffused colours to your images.
Min: 1
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Green colour filter for photography
A natural green hue
Enhance the colours of foliage and complement organic subjects.
Min: 1
Step: 1
Orange colour filter for photography
A warming orange hue
Provide a warming glow to your scene or highlight the colours in gold jewellery.
Min: 1
Step: 1

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Pink colour filter for photography
A pleasing pink hue
Complement colourful flowers or add a pleasing tint to colourless areas.
Min: 1
Step: 1
Purple colour filter for photography
A mysterious purple hue
Introduce Sci-fi colour schemes to your images or invoke a feeling of mysticism.
Min: 1
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Red colour filter for photography
A fiery red hue
Add drama to a scene or enhance the colours of red petals.
Min: 1
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Red Green Blue
A set of 3 filters to add a variety of subtle, diffused colours to your images.
Min: 1
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Cyan Pink Orange
A set of 3 filters to add a variety of subtle, diffused colours to your images.
Min: 1
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Warm white light (4000k)
A warmer white light to match other light sources or provide a hint of warmth in your images.
Max: 24
Min: 1
Step: 1
Yellow colour filter for photography
A warm yellow hue
Make warm colours pop and add a summertime vibe to your scenes.
Min: 1
Step: 1